NATIONAL GOVERNMENT 8t. Petersburg Tinea 1.8*7 NATIONAL DEFENSE WORLD ťAR WORLD WAR NAVY NATION U. S. Shipping Board announces 44 ships totalling 263,571 tone, completed and delivered during key, greatest record in nation's history. I-I; Je &, 1318 Diamond Shoals lightship off Cape Ratteras, N. 0., is shelled ana eunl: by German submarine August 7. 1918. 1-6; At 8, 1918 Coast Guard station and lighthouse on Smith Island off North Carolina are attacked by German submarine using poison gas, August 10, 1918. 1-1; At 13, 1918 German raiders cut French trans-Atlantic cable out of an American port; operation of cable hae been restored. 1-7; H 10, 1911 German submarine torpedo** and sinks Coast Guard cutter, "Tampa/ off coaet of England September 25, 1918; four St. Petersburg tmn are lost; they are; Pisi Webb, Harold Myers, ftilllam Newell and Lesley Noble. 1-3; 0 4, 1918 Director general Fcbwab of Emergency Fleet Corporation reports all previous records broken in delivery of 60 merchant ahipe by American yards in August 1918. 1-3; S 5, 1818 United Stales i*avy has lost 44 ships. 1-3; D 11, 1918 Ensign Joe Still of St. Petersburg is assigned to the work of building base city of 8,GC0 men for Unite* States Navy at Fanillac, France, Hi b, 1-1; D 29, 1918 PIHELLA8 COUSTT GUARD Newly formed Finellas County Boat Guards eleot Lew B. Brown, captain; S\ J. Mack, first lieutenant; H. B, Jones, second lieutenant; Horace Williams, second lieutenant. 6-3; Je 8, 1SI7 Elks company B, rinelias county Guards at St. Petersburg, elect a. r. Aveiy, eept >in; J. .. 3hallcroae, and Roy V. Sellers, *aQuad lieutenants. 1-1; Je 18, 1917